Rowden Mill Bridleway
This is an update on the situation regarding the bridleway received on 19th June 2024:
I am happy to update you on Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) T721.
Following an objection, the Order needed to be submitted to the Secretary of States Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for determination. Dorset Council was able to submit the DMMO in March 2024. We are aware that PINS is managing a backlog of DMMO cases and Dorset Council is now awaiting notification from PINS that they have allocated the case to an Inspector.
Ultimately this means that the Order has not yet been determined.
I hope this helps clarify the current situation regarding DMMO T721 for Bridleway 33.
Kind regards
Sue Phillips
Definitive Map Technical Officer
Definitive Map Team
Economic Growth and Infrastructure
Dorset Council
01305 221409
To Whom It May Concern dated 18th January 2023
The proposal to modify the definitive map and statement of rights of way by correcting the recorded route of Bridleway 33, Stourton Caundle has now been considered by senior managers / officers. They have accepted the recommendation that an order be published to correct Bridleway 33, Stourton Caundle from the recorded route as shown C-A to that shown C-A-B on Drawing T721/22/2. The report is available on the website and can be viewed at:
The County Council will publish an Order reflecting this decision in due course and a Notice will be erected on site and appear in the press. The Notice will give you details of how you can, if you wish, make a representation or object to the Order. If there are no objections within the prescribed period the Order can be confirmed. However, if there are objections the matter will be referred to the Secretary of State for determination, either by written representations, public hearing or public inquiry.
For a modification order, the tests are solely about whether the evidence does or does not justify the change to the definitive map contained in the order. The Secretary of State has the power to disregard irrelevant objections.
Kind regards
Sue Phillips
Definitive Map Technical Officer
Definitive Map Team
Economic Growth and Infrastructure
Dorset Council
01305 221409